Monday, June 30, 2008

Sweet Repeat

That was then.....

This is now....
Oh what a joy to photograph little miss "C" again!!  I met her last November at the sweet age of 5 months old and guess who just turned 1??  She is just as smiley as the first time I got to photograph her but probably twice as busy.  Miss C must have learned to walk AND run on the same day!

This Daddy's girl really played into the camera for us.  Mom and I did the posing while Dad put her in place, fixed her dress and then tried to duck and cover so he wouldn't be in the shot.  That isn't easy to do since Miss C herself has become lightening fast.  I just love that sparkle in those chocolate brown eyes and oh, that smile.  Couldn't you just eat her with a spoon?

I put a favorite shot from November up first just so you can see how much she has grown.  It is such a privilege for me to watch your precious little ones grow alongside you.  I feel so blessed to get even a small glimpse into the lives of my clients.  God's grace and light shone all around this family today.  Blessings and birthday wishes to you, "M" family.  

Sunday, June 29, 2008



This was my first photo shoot with identical twins.  That means two times the giggles, silly faces, tickling, running, sweating, etc.!!  These girls gave all of us a run for our money but we got some really fun pictures to show for the hard work!  Mom and Dad, "E" and "L" are just beautiful.  They have the best bouncy brown curls too.  The one of dad behind the swing is really sweet.  He told me that he even did their hair for the photo shoot- such a good Daddy.  I had to take a solo shot of their pretty mama too.  Beauty (and energy) runs deep in this family.  Thanks for the fun and Happy Birthday girls!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Southern summer nights

Oh, how I love the south!  This local historic home has such wonderful southern charm- a graceful white porch, bright yellow paint, a great oak in the front and beautiful flowers.  All it was missing was this little homegrown cutie- introducing Miss "A".  She provided lots of beautiful shots from this fun night out. I couldn't pick just one favorite so here are lots to "ooh" and "aah" over. The one of her running to her pretty mama is just so sweet to me- just look how little "A" lights up her mom's face. 

"So will your God rejoice over you" Isaiah 62:5 


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Down on the farm

Don't let the title of this post fool you.  Although it looks like we are on a farm, we are really on the outskirts of a nice neighborhood which borders a farm.  The bales of hay are also an illusion- they were found on a construction site nearby.  OK- now that the disclaimer is out of the way, how cute is little "A"?  He was such a great sport and even though he was worn out from a full day of swimming, he flashed those stunning blue eyes and performed like a pro.  He even suggested our last pose himself and climbed right on top of the hay for me.

The first shots of mom and "A" together are so sweet.  She almost wouldn't pose but I know she will be glad she did.  Don't you love how he really looks like a farmer checking out his crop in the profile shot?  We got several big smiles out of one running joke during the session- "Sir Toots A Lot" references got him every time!

Have a great trip to the beach "K" family and thanks for the laughs.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Teacher's Pet

What a nice way to start a Sunday.  This beautiful young lady might as well be Hannah Montana in our house.  You see, she was my oldest daughter's kindergarten teacher this year which makes her mega popular!  I thoroughly enjoyed photographing her, her husband "E" and doggie, Sophie.  It was a beautiful morning and a very relaxed session.  "Mrs. R", we got so many gorgeous shots today but here is a sneak peek at some of my favorites.  Enjoy!

Saturday, June 21, 2008



For those of you who have only met me via my website or blog, I give you my humble apology up front.  You will probably not think of me as the "consummate professional" after this post.  You see, my 2 sweet girls and I go on lots of adventures for the sake of the cause (photography).  I pump the girls up with tales of what we will discover, new places to explore, bugs to hunt, etc.  Really, I am just planning another adventure in creative trespassing :)  You see, once your eye becomes more aware of the many artistic opportunities in your own area, you can't help but "test" them out.  You know, the kind of field trips all good moms take with their kids...old fields with grass up to your knees and probably tons of snakes, construction sites with neat railings or bridges, doctors' offices with climbing ivy on their walls, storefronts when everything is closed, etc.  

Well, I spied this field after a trip to our local grocery store.  Yes, folks, these were taken just behind the ol' Harris Teeter- complete with thawing frozen goods in the trunk of my minivan.  Classy, huh?  The girls love to explore these great spots that mom drums up (or wheels into on a whim) and we got some cute shots tonight to prove it.  I love the first 2 because of that last light of day in their eyes.  

But, the piece de resistance, is the last for me.  After my hubbie and I saw the movie "Juno" (which was a riot!), we started tossing around the phrase "giving you the stink eye" in our home.  So, this last picture is of Wonder Girl herself giving Mommy the stink eye.  Love it!

OK, I have been a postaholic this weekend so time for a break.  Have a great weekend.

The eyes have it

Couldn't you just squeeze this little cutie? This has always been a favorite picture in my portfolio of a sweet little boy named "G".  His personality certainly matches his sweet face too.  I wanted to show the latest of my editing tricks on a picture that was already very nice.  Notice the added sparkle in his eyes and the smoothness of his skin.  I love this new technique!  I keep telling my little Rachel to claim him as her boyfriend now before all the other girls catch on :)


The "S" family always makes me smile when I see this long time favorite.  Pink was a more unusual fall choice but it really worked with the brown.  I did a "kick of color" effect on this shot to bring out more of the bright fall tones.  Don't you just want to giggle?

OK- the last piece of editing eye candy.  This dad really has his hands full with 4 growing boys.  I love this pyramid but always felt there was a grey cast to the skin tones.  I used a similar color effect here to brighten up the whole picture.  I really like the change.

Now back to doing laundry, changing a diaper, etc.- oh, the glamorous life I lead :

Location, location, location


I have added a nice feature to my website that I wanted to share with upcoming clients. After choosing the date, the next big question I get from clients is "where should we take the pictures"?  I try to get a feel for what look you want- natural and woodsy, landscaped and picturesque, an open field, a downtown look, etc.  Still, this question lingers on for many clients.  So, in light of this, I now have galleries on my website for some suggested local spots.  Now you can take your time to see the locations for yourself before making the decision.  I still recommend your own house, yard or favorite spot for that truly personal touch, but these are very nice options as well.  

To view the galleries, log onto my website main page at

Enter the website.

Click on CLIENTS in the lower righthand corner.

The following locations are featured and the passwords are given below:
Downtown Waxhaw- waxhaw
Weddington- weddington
2 open grass fields- field
Cullman Park in Ballantyne- cullman
Lake by my house- summer

This is also a nice way to plan your outfit choices too.  I am always happy to assist you in choosing a location or any other aspect of your portrait session.  Thanks for all of the summer bookings, gang.  Keep 'em coming!!  Summer pricing runs from June 1- August 31.